Submitted on 2013/07/15 at 12:25 am
In America, race is an issue because it is an issue.14 Jul Why is race always an issue when African Americans are involved? someone asks in the wake of the Zimmerman verdict for killing Trayvon Martin. To me, that is a question only a racist would ask or a person that is either naive or has just crawled from under a rock. I am so mad. You know why it’s always about race when it comes to some white people and Africans. It’s because it’s always about race. It’s always about race, it’s always about race. There still are lots of white people who believe in the superiority of their race. They hate black people. Why? As a young black male living a normal life, not a cowardly life packaged as ‘being careful’ in the United States, I too want to know WHY. We need to go back and answer the question of why black people are hated by these white people. Think about it, blacks did nothing to no one but was made into slaves and millions murdered up until now for absolutely nothing other than having brown to black skin. Why? I’m black and i like everyone but living in the United States of America I am always aware that I am a target because of my skin. Case in point. The law in Washington state and most other states in USA say one will be charged for drunken driving if their BAC is 0.080 and higher. Well, I got charged for DUI with a 0.060 BAC and I wasn’t even underage! Explain that!! Race affects judgement and judgement affects actions. It is a very real issue in America’s ‘justice system’. Facts are facts. Blacks are 12% of the population, but 70% of the prison population. But why? Because this society perpetuates the stereotype that blacks are violent animals. I mean if society did not believe that why all the warnings about riots and stealing in the wake of this travesty of justice in Florida? The scales of justice are not balanced in this here country when it comes to black versus white. It wasn’t too long ago that a black person could be lynched and there would be no search or punishment for the people responsible for the crime. Nancy Grace doesn’t feature cases with missing black children on her show. There are plenty of missing and murdered black children and we never hear about it. If Natalee Holloway had been black, the fact that she was missing would not have been nationally known. If Amanda Knox had been black, Washington state and the whole federal government would not have done all in it’s powers to get her out of Italy, away from facing justice for a crime she committed. The scales are not balanced. Nothing says racism like having sympathy for the justice system failing a black youth, yet again. Only in America does a black teen have to go to trial to prove his own murder. Trayvon had no criminal record but Zimmerman sure as hell did. Who is the thug again? George Zimmerman, a poster boy for a gun obsessed society got the fame and time he deserved for instigating a fight and killing an unarmed young man whilst trying to claim self defense. Now Google Marissa Alexander, the black woman who claimed self defense after firing warning shots at her abuser. SHE GOT 20 YEARS. I would not hurt a fly but everyday I get out of my apartment, I know I am at risk of being killed by a racist because of my skin and the system will do everything to justify why I had to be killed. There are those who argue that Trayvon Martin dressed like a thug so he deserved to die. Tell me this, do the ladies who wear short skirts deserve to be raped? Why do some people do this to us? Why is your judgment clouded by how someone looks different from you? I do nothing to anyone but try to get along yet I am confronted by hate so much in my everyday life. It’s sad. To be black in america is a struggle, stressful, depressing and torture when we try to have normal lives. Black people just want to live and be happy while our short lives are here. It’s sad. Yes it is always about race, because it is. It’s always about the same thing for hundreds of years. Blacks in America have no peace and we did nothing to deserve it. The racists among us will not admit it openly. They have come up with stereotypical generalization that blacks depend on welfare, that the government gives blacks free passes to everything. Tired of this stupid logic, I visited the local DSHS office and believe me, there was only two black people, the rest were white; and this is a busy office. Not one moment did it enter my thought or heart to laugh at the white people there, I know they have fallen on hard times like all of us do and deserve help. That is not a position anyone wants to be in but these racist idiots make it look like black people wake up every day and head to the DSHS office for handouts. I will not even go to how they believe immigrants get free education! Racists believe the short end of the stick is what black people should get. It is a shame that in the United States of America, even in this year of 2013 and we still have to deal with racism. In my neighborhood I can go into a store and some white folks will look at me like they have never seen a black person before; some store attendant or surveillance camera will be designated to follow me around the store like I will steal something because I am black!! I can only ask the racists to walk in my shoes everyday like journalist John Howard Griffin (Black like me) did and maybe they will understand. They want to give us the stupid argument that now the USA has a black president so racism is over! I bet you, in the ongoing Paula Deen racism suit, not many people know the person suing her is white. But you should see the kind of hateful rhetoric spewed at the person suing her before they realize she’s one of their “own”. Hell, black people have come out in support of Paula Deen. This is an issue that happened years ago. I know a lot of people who are different from me in race but I don’t make it an issue, they are super. I accord them the same respect and friendship I give those in my color of skin. Seriously, I don’t notice color when interacting with people. There are good and bad people in all races. Africans were bought to this country in chains and tortured for hundreds of years and still are being treated like that. That’s why every time something like the Trayvon Martin case happens we pull out the race card. If the local policeman just arrests me for the heck of it and the justice system instead of looking at the alleged crime legally, finds a way to punish me, the race card has to be pulled. It is not an excuse it is the truth. Yes it is always going to be a race issue when African-Americans are unjustly punished. I remember reading a while ago about the time when Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, tried to get a taxi to stop for him at night when he was trying to get to the airport, the taxi driver wouldn’t stop for a black man because he feared he would be picking up a criminal. I read a lot of books and stuff online and I see Americans many times call the current President of the United States a monkey, an ape, an idiot who is being missed by his village in Kenya and “a happy-go-lucky boy who just wants to ride around on Air Force One while white people run the country”. The same posters say over and over that when a black person gets a good job or a promotion, it is just an Affirmative Action gift, if qualification or ability were the issue, a white person would have gotten the job or the promotion! In short, race is an issue because it is an issue. And the most racist people I have ever heard speak are invariably the first to insist they are not racist, they are Christians. Sadly, everyone has their own form of racism, regardless of what they say. It should not be but this is the United States of America we live in, where equality among the races does not exist. I AM THAT I AM. |
Thursday, September 12, 2013
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