POLIGHT's Wives and Children Speak on Motherhood & Polygamy

Published on May 13, 2013
presents Nysut: Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re (Brother POLIGHT) author of 70 plus
books fluent in 7 languages in this excerpt entitled, "POLIGHT's Wives
and Children Speak on Motherhood & Polygamy Happy Mother's Day"
Get an inside look on how this Brother's family feels about the dynamics of their polygynous situation and also get in tune with the sisters as they extend their advice to other mothers in our community.
Get an inside look on how this Brother's family feels about the dynamics of their polygynous situation and also get in tune with the sisters as they extend their advice to other mothers in our community.
All Comments (1,071)

Mrs.Yeye Akilimali Funua Olade
1 second ago

Robert Perkins
2 months ago
So yall are pro homosexual marriage
but anti polygamy? What the fuck is wrong with this world?! They got
yall fooled. The whiteman does this shit, they call it being mormon lol.
But white people arent going to tear their own down for it. But yall
niggas always refuse to see the big picture from being programmed to be
monogamous. This brotha and his family look happy. And with the amount
of homosexuals being together out here along with abortion rates, the
heterosexual black males going to have to put in this work to continue
our race. Yall can talk all the shit yall want but as much as yall love
gay relationships, I dont see how yall could even comment negatively
about this. And if you still dumb enough to believe in and use the bible
for your arguments then you still a slave and your opinion is that of a
Read more
View all 29 replies

vinessa wess
1 month ago
+missball404 +Mrmixize
I came back to this thread to see if you 2 answered my question and of
course y'all didn't, just playing the victim & giving each other
validation cookies! LOL!
The next time u 2 address or attack someone with a statement and that
person response back, be prepared to stand on your square and defend
your position!
all I did was make a statement about how I was not for polygamy, then
out of the blue, YOU 2 address me separately, b/c both of you are
obviously polygamy supporters so u got offended with my comment & u
disagreed with what I said, which is fine, that's what these comment
section boards are for.
Mrmixize, You addressed me, I replied back to u & asked u a
question, " how are positive BW traits a negative, why are they
conflicting aspirations "
I got no response back from u!
Same with Missball404
You addressed me personally, I replied back to u & asked u a
question, "how does polygamy benefit women and children "
and just like Mrmixize ,I got no response from you either! LOL!
but what's really interesting is that u 2 won't reply back to me but
y'all are responding to each other, for validation & moral support
trying to play the victim as though everybody else is the problem when
y'all came at me first!!
once again, if u disagree with a comment and u try to come at somebody
to defend polygamy that's fine,
just be prepared to at least defend your position when a person defends
themselves, don't just throw rocks and run!
Also, back up the stuff that u say if u truly support & believe it,
b/c right now, on the topic of polygamy, both of y'all aint looking too
good! LOL
cheers :-)
Read more

3 days ago
+Robert Perkins good point

Alesha Taylor
3 months ago
I think its beautiful family love and
respect. I think people have a hard time dealing with reality. Because
the truth of it is 9times out of 10 your sharing your man right now with
another woman and children. And because its being done in secret you
think its more honorable and respectful. Wake up
View all 14 replies

1 month ago
+Alesha Taylor Thank
you for clarifying, maybe I misread your comment, I can understand
where you're coming from now. Different solutions work for different
people I suppose. Me, I'm just not down with sharing my man in
scenario. Peace

Alesha Taylor
1 month ago
+Cornbreadmuffin86 you didnt misread. I mis-worte thank you for letting me clarify :) !

Michelle Danning
6 months ago
All I see is that they are happy.
single African American women in my neighborhood. They are single
mothers fed up, poor, and angry with the world. I hear them talk at
their children cursing, hitting them as if they are hurt mentally,
spiritually, and physically. I love to see black women happy even if
that means to see them in a Polygamist relationship. It's a treat to see
them this way. It's sad but it is. I'm happy for these women.

Burnt Sienna
2 months ago
It takes grounded women, secure women for this to work, and it's obviously working.

Queen Queenly
3 months ago (edited)
I am against polygamy, but I will tell
you that Polight has gotten himself some BEAUTIFUL Natural Queens and
made some beautiful children, and they look happy. I know polygamy is
not for all of us, personally I am too selfish for it, but big up to the
men who can PROVIDE for more than one woman and a bigger family, who
got the love and economy for it. Most men who sit online and talk about
polygamy...are not able to actually provide..and hold a fam together,
but big up to the few ones that can create a family unity. Beautiful
Queens and beautiful children he has, lucky man, I know many men are
jealous of him. Anyway, Big up to the Kings that are happy with ONE
Queen as well. Respect to brother Polight too. Love him and his wisdom
Read more

3 months ago
Wow!! All these hater comments and
jealousy.. Nothing wrong with this type of relationship at all,people
need to grow up and stop hating the man for his life.

2 months ago
I'm not against polygamy, but it's
not something I advocate for either. I'm not use to that type of culture
so idk it's out my comfort zone. It's not something I envision for
myself, but for those that do it and do it right, big up to them. They
seem very happy and comfortable with it. It wasn't forced. He's not
forcing them. But for me, I'll pass
Too much to deal with for me plus I'm not down to share.

The victory of the peace
2 months ago
+kaykayhype6 Polygamy is wrong, that's it.

2 months ago
+Lala La
for me nd you its wrong because it serves no purpose. But for them it
does. I understand but I don't agree with polygamy, for me.

Earl Sutton
3 weeks ago
I want 31 wives. A wife for each day of the month.

Godis Nanu
4 months ago
Keep doing it. I'm inspired by the love in this video. <3 bless="" div="" up="">

Journee Home
3 months ago
I respect bro polight but he must have
his hands full with having 3! I jokingly asked my husband
could he handle all that comes with having 3 wives and he immediately
said no but hey to each its own! More power to you all of you and much
respect for your beautiful family!

Terry Tatum
17 hours ago
I was only 20-minutes in the Video and
I will say this... These are some Beautiful Black Women and Children
and more importantly, they ALL seem Happy and Happier than the average
Family. People NEED to learn how to Live and LET Live. What works for
one doesn't always work for another. Lastly, Love & Happiness is two
of the hardest things to get in this Life and wherever you find it...
Embrace it!!! God Speed to you all.

Juanito Rivera
3 months ago
Black women are not god nor they are queen

2 months ago
Ok any of you ladies down to try this Polygamy thang with me?

3 months ago
I was born into the wrong race. Black
men are a fucking God damn disgrace and will never be blessed. You will
always be in the hood and your women will continue to marry the white
How fucking disrespectful and sad to take advantage of your blacks
sisters vulnerabilities and submissive spirits and subject them to
sharing one man?
Of course you guys are happy. The whole point of being brainwashed is
that you DONT FEEL uncomfortable at all. Sad. Sick. Disgusting.
Black men will never be blessed.
Because of your lust and insensitivity.
Read more
View all 23 replies

Earl Sutton
3 weeks ago
White men have 6 wives too.Go to the
middle east or Africa they have more than 4 wives . what is wrong with
the guy and his wives that hurt you so much.

2 weeks ago
I dont know why people are so shocked by jolie comments, she is an
example of white people breeding amongst black people and making them
fiddler from roots. Remember in the movie he said africans were hard
headed as though he had no relation to them

3 weeks ago
I've never seen so many sisters without fake hair in one place. That's powerful.

Nicole Zyler
5 months ago
You all seem very happy and I wud love
to be in a relationship like that. Keep up the good work and continue
to make ur ppl proud☺️

Mikea Simkele
2 months ago
Beautiful family. Thanks for sharing.

Alexandria Ally
4 months ago
au they trying to get a show....ok i would watch

4 months ago (edited)
Yes, because you are deprived of it.
So it looks somewhat strange to you as you are often treated to all
sorts and a wide variety of infatuations. Unfortunately you can never
get it. You may ask why? Such opportunities naturally elude your entire
fabric of "existence"-being personified. If you did, you perhaps
wouldn't have assumed this stance..What a myopic arena your world is.

thefirst shallbelast
1 month ago (edited)
This is one of the best black
consciousness videos iv seen on youtube . This is a real life
illustration of a family that is living their lives by what they believe
in . This dude Polight is a genius for creating such a beautiful happy
They aren't scared about what society thinks. This is how a lot more
black people should be living. Strong, beautiful , economically stable,
happy families.
You guys are freaking brave. People only hate your situation because
they are scared of society or ignorant of that fact that polygamy can
The western government are scared of polygamy because it would give more
people confidence to stand up for what they believe in.
I am all for this and anyone else who is doing this the right way.
Read more

2 months ago
All of you talking about their
"submissive spirits" need to get the fuck outta here... Stop hating on
this man and his beautiful wives. They look very happy and are helping
our community in ways most of yall can't!! You women who think this is
stupid, you're idiots... 3 women have one husband... Some of yall women
can't even get one decent husband or man let alone someone of Polight's
caliber... Stop hating

1 month ago
Exactly cuz I didn't see one thing
that makes me think either one of them is submissive, in the way
everyone is trying to make them seem. Yes they respect their husband but
they look like they give that man hell when it's necessary.

craig sanford
8 months ago
Polight u and yo family are a bunch of sad sorry ass people

van mo
8 months ago
Published on May 13, 2013
presents Nysut: Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re (Brother POLIGHT) author of 70 plus
books fluent in 7 languages in this excerpt entitled, "POLIGHT's Wives
and Children Speak on Motherhood & Polygamy Happy Mother's Day"
Get an inside look on how this Brother's family feels about the dynamics of their polygynous situation and also get in tune with the sisters as they extend their advice to other mothers in our community.
Get an inside look on how this Brother's family feels about the dynamics of their polygynous situation and also get in tune with the sisters as they extend their advice to other mothers in our community.

So yall are pro homosexual marriage
but anti polygamy? What the fuck is wrong with this world?! They got
yall fooled. The whiteman does this shit, they call it being mormon lol.
But white people arent going to tear their own down for it. But yall
niggas always refuse to see the big picture from being programmed to be
monogamous. This brotha and his family look happy. And with the amount
of homosexuals being together out here along with abortion rates, the
heterosexual black males going to have to put in this work to continue
our race. Yall can talk all the shit yall want but as much as yall love
gay relationships, I dont see how yall could even comment negatively
about this. And if you still dumb enough to believe in and use the bible
for your arguments then you still a slave and your opinion is that of a

+missball404 +Mrmixize
I came back to this thread to see if you 2 answered my question and of
course y'all didn't, just playing the victim & giving each other
validation cookies! LOL!
The next time u 2 address or attack someone with a statement and that
person response back, be prepared to stand on your square and defend
your position!
all I did was make a statement about how I was not for polygamy, then
out of the blue, YOU 2 address me separately, b/c both of you are
obviously polygamy supporters so u got offended with my comment & u
disagreed with what I said, which is fine, that's what these comment
section boards are for.
Mrmixize, You addressed me, I replied back to u & asked u a
question, " how are positive BW traits a negative, why are they
conflicting aspirations "
I got no response back from u!
Same with Missball404
You addressed me personally, I replied back to u & asked u a
question, "how does polygamy benefit women and children "
and just like Mrmixize ,I got no response from you either! LOL!
but what's really interesting is that u 2 won't reply back to me but
y'all are responding to each other, for validation & moral support
trying to play the victim as though everybody else is the problem when
y'all came at me first!!
once again, if u disagree with a comment and u try to come at somebody
to defend polygamy that's fine,
just be prepared to at least defend your position when a person defends
themselves, don't just throw rocks and run!
Also, back up the stuff that u say if u truly support & believe it,
b/c right now, on the topic of polygamy, both of y'all aint looking too
good! LOL
cheers :-)

I think its beautiful family love and
respect. I think people have a hard time dealing with reality. Because
the truth of it is 9times out of 10 your sharing your man right now with
another woman and children. And because its being done in secret you
think its more honorable and respectful. Wake up

+Alesha Taylor Thank
you for clarifying, maybe I misread your comment, I can understand
where you're coming from now. Different solutions work for different
people I suppose. Me, I'm just not down with sharing my man in
scenario. Peace

All I see is that they are happy.
single African American women in my neighborhood. They are single
mothers fed up, poor, and angry with the world. I hear them talk at
their children cursing, hitting them as if they are hurt mentally,
spiritually, and physically. I love to see black women happy even if
that means to see them in a Polygamist relationship. It's a treat to see
them this way. It's sad but it is. I'm happy for these women.

I am against polygamy, but I will tell
you that Polight has gotten himself some BEAUTIFUL Natural Queens and
made some beautiful children, and they look happy. I know polygamy is
not for all of us, personally I am too selfish for it, but big up to the
men who can PROVIDE for more than one woman and a bigger family, who
got the love and economy for it. Most men who sit online and talk about
polygamy...are not able to actually provide..and hold a fam together,
but big up to the few ones that can create a family unity. Beautiful
Queens and beautiful children he has, lucky man, I know many men are
jealous of him. Anyway, Big up to the Kings that are happy with ONE
Queen as well. Respect to brother Polight too. Love him and his wisdom

Wow!! All these hater comments and
jealousy.. Nothing wrong with this type of relationship at all,people
need to grow up and stop hating the man for his life.

I'm not against polygamy, but it's
not something I advocate for either. I'm not use to that type of culture
so idk it's out my comfort zone. It's not something I envision for
myself, but for those that do it and do it right, big up to them. They
seem very happy and comfortable with it. It wasn't forced. He's not
forcing them. But for me, I'll pass
Too much to deal with for me plus I'm not down to share.

+Lala La
for me nd you its wrong because it serves no purpose. But for them it
does. I understand but I don't agree with polygamy, for me.

I respect bro polight but he must have
his hands full with having 3! I jokingly asked my husband
could he handle all that comes with having 3 wives and he immediately
said no but hey to each its own! More power to you all of you and much
respect for your beautiful family!

I was only 20-minutes in the Video and
I will say this... These are some Beautiful Black Women and Children
and more importantly, they ALL seem Happy and Happier than the average
Family. People NEED to learn how to Live and LET Live. What works for
one doesn't always work for another. Lastly, Love & Happiness is two
of the hardest things to get in this Life and wherever you find it...
Embrace it!!! God Speed to you all.

I was born into the wrong race. Black
men are a fucking God damn disgrace and will never be blessed. You will
always be in the hood and your women will continue to marry the white
How fucking disrespectful and sad to take advantage of your blacks
sisters vulnerabilities and submissive spirits and subject them to
sharing one man?
Of course you guys are happy. The whole point of being brainwashed is
that you DONT FEEL uncomfortable at all. Sad. Sick. Disgusting.
Black men will never be blessed.
Because of your lust and insensitivity.

White men have 6 wives too.Go to the
middle east or Africa they have more than 4 wives . what is wrong with
the guy and his wives that hurt you so much.

I dont know why people are so shocked by jolie comments, she is an
example of white people breeding amongst black people and making them
fiddler from roots. Remember in the movie he said africans were hard
headed as though he had no relation to them

You all seem very happy and I wud love
to be in a relationship like that. Keep up the good work and continue
to make ur ppl proud☺️

Yes, because you are deprived of it.
So it looks somewhat strange to you as you are often treated to all
sorts and a wide variety of infatuations. Unfortunately you can never
get it. You may ask why? Such opportunities naturally elude your entire
fabric of "existence"-being personified. If you did, you perhaps
wouldn't have assumed this stance..What a myopic arena your world is.

This is one of the best black
consciousness videos iv seen on youtube . This is a real life
illustration of a family that is living their lives by what they believe
in . This dude Polight is a genius for creating such a beautiful happy
They aren't scared about what society thinks. This is how a lot more
black people should be living. Strong, beautiful , economically stable,
happy families.
You guys are freaking brave. People only hate your situation because
they are scared of society or ignorant of that fact that polygamy can
The western government are scared of polygamy because it would give more
people confidence to stand up for what they believe in.
I am all for this and anyone else who is doing this the right way.

All of you talking about their
"submissive spirits" need to get the fuck outta here... Stop hating on
this man and his beautiful wives. They look very happy and are helping
our community in ways most of yall can't!! You women who think this is
stupid, you're idiots... 3 women have one husband... Some of yall women
can't even get one decent husband or man let alone someone of Polight's
caliber... Stop hating