Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Mississippi Man Found Hanging From Tree
Mar 19, 2015, 10:55 PM ET
via World News
Mike Levine More from Mike »
Digital Journalist, Law Enforcement & Homeland Security
Jack Date More from Jack »
Jack Cloherty More from Jack »
Mississippi authorities and the FBI
are trying to determine whether an African-American man found hanging
from a tree in Claiborne County committed suicide or was the victim of a
brutal homicide.
Authorities believe the man is Otis Byrd, 54, a convicted murderer out
of prison on parole, but an autopsy is being performed to confirm the
identity and cause of death.
"We got a young man that died and we're going to determine how he died
and if someone did that, that person will be brought to justice and he
will be punished for that," said Claiborne County Sheriff Marvin Lucas.
Byrd was last seen March 2 and, within days, his family filed a missing
person report with the Claiborne County Sheriff’s Office. The FBI and
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation were then asked to help, the FBI
said in a statement. The man's body was found about a half-mile from
Byrd's home.
As a precaution, the FBI has opened a preliminary civil rights
investigation, focusing on whether Byrd's race may have played a role
in his death. Lucas said his family was unaware of any threats made
against him.
Earlier Thursday, the Claiborne County Sheriff's Office and the
Mississippi Wildlife Fisheries and Parks conducted a ground search for
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
from atlantic black star newspaper
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The Brahma Samhita is a Sanskrit Pancaratra text composed of verses of prayer spoken by Brahma glorifying the supreme Lord Krishna or Govinda at the beginning of creation.
The lyrics, chapter 5 verse 38 reads: “I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who plays on His transcendental flute. His eyes are like lotus flowers, He is decorated with peacock plumes, and His bodily color resembles the color of a fresh black cloud, although His bodily features are more beautiful than millions of Cupids.”
Chapter 6, verses 1-2 reads: “The Lord was dressed in yellow garments and had a blackish complexion.”
The Sanskrit word “Krishna” has the literal meaning “black,” “dark” or “dark-blue.” Krishna is also called “Śyāma,” the blackish one, or the beautiful dark boy with a blackish color.
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News and Empowering Narratives to Change Our World
Tuesday, March 17th, 2015
5 Black Gods Whitewashed in Recent History
September 25, 2013 | Posted by Tracy
Tagged With: Asar. Aset, Black Buddha, Buddha, Christianity, Gerald Massey, Horus, Imhotep Black, Is Jesus Horus, Isis, Ivan Van Sertima, jesus, Jesus is Horus, Krishna is Black, Osiris, religion, The Black Madonna, The Madonna and Child, The Trinity, Virgin Mary and Jesus
Tagged With: Asar. Aset, Black Buddha, Buddha, Christianity, Gerald Massey, Horus, Imhotep Black, Is Jesus Horus, Isis, Ivan Van Sertima, jesus, Jesus is Horus, Krishna is Black, Osiris, religion, The Black Madonna, The Madonna and Child, The Trinity, Virgin Mary and Jesus
The Brahma Samhita is a Sanskrit Pancaratra text composed of verses of prayer spoken by Brahma glorifying the supreme Lord Krishna or Govinda at the beginning of creation.
The lyrics, chapter 5 verse 38 reads: “I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who plays on His transcendental flute. His eyes are like lotus flowers, He is decorated with peacock plumes, and His bodily color resembles the color of a fresh black cloud, although His bodily features are more beautiful than millions of Cupids.”
Chapter 6, verses 1-2 reads: “The Lord was dressed in yellow garments and had a blackish complexion.”
The Sanskrit word “Krishna” has the literal meaning “black,” “dark” or “dark-blue.” Krishna is also called “Śyāma,” the blackish one, or the beautiful dark boy with a blackish color.

In a two-volume work entitled, “A Book of the Beginnings,” originally published in 1881, author Gerald Massey recorded:
“It is not necessary to show that the first colonizers of India were black, but it is certain that the black Buddha of India was imaged in the Africoid type. In the black [African] god, whether called Buddha or Sut-Nahsi, we have a datum. They carry in their color the proof of their origin. ”
In a two-volume work entitled, “A Book of the Beginnings,” originally published in 1881, author Gerald Massey recorded:
“It is not necessary to show that the first colonizers of India were black, but it is certain that the black Buddha of India was imaged in the Africoid type. In the black [African] god, whether called Buddha or Sut-Nahsi, we have a datum. They carry in their color the proof of their origin. ”
5 Black Gods Whitewashed in Recent History
September 25, 2013 | Posted by Tracy
Tagged With: Asar. Aset, Black Buddha, Buddha, Christianity, Gerald Massey, Horus, Imhotep Black, Is Jesus Horus, Isis, Ivan Van Sertima, jesus, Jesus is Horus, Krishna is Black, Osiris, religion, The Black Madonna, The Madonna and Child, The Trinity, Virgin Mary and Jesus
Tagged With: Asar. Aset, Black Buddha, Buddha, Christianity, Gerald Massey, Horus, Imhotep Black, Is Jesus Horus, Isis, Ivan Van Sertima, jesus, Jesus is Horus, Krishna is Black, Osiris, religion, The Black Madonna, The Madonna and Child, The Trinity, Virgin Mary and Jesus

The father/god of medicine was deified two thousand years after his death.
James Henry Breasted, an American archaeologist and historian, says of Imhotep:
“In priestly wisdom, in magic, in the formulation of wise proverbs; in medicine and architecture; this remarkable figure of Zoser’s reign left so notable a reputation that his name was never forgotten. The people sang of his proverbs centuries later, and 2,500 years after his death, he had become a god of medicine in whom Greeks, who call him Imouthes, recognized their own Asklepios.”
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The father/god of medicine was deified two thousand years after his death.
James Henry Breasted, an American archaeologist and historian, says of Imhotep:
“In priestly wisdom, in magic, in the formulation of wise proverbs; in medicine and architecture; this remarkable figure of Zoser’s reign left so notable a reputation that his name was never forgotten. The people sang of his proverbs centuries later, and 2,500 years after his death, he had become a god of medicine in whom Greeks, who call him Imouthes, recognized their own Asklepios.”
- Reginald Johnson · Top Commenter · Works at Full Time College StudentI really wouldn't waste my time debating with suspected white supremacists. You will never get them to be honest about history, because doing that would dispel the myth of white supremacy, and that wouldn't be in their best interests. Just take this information and share it with those who want to seek truth.
- Ascencion Gomez · Follow · Top Commenter · Regent UniversityPersonally, the notion of White Supremacy is fueled by people of color. People of color elect white people who claim to be their champion, yet that same person belittles or makes fun of those same people of color OR those so called champions break all normal and acceptable social codes, like Biden calling the president clean etc...or like Clinton and his sexual activities as well as many other breaches of proper social etiquette. These people are given a pass. Conversely, a person who’s perceived to be on the other side makes a comment whether intended or accident is vilified and ridicule without mercy. Bottom line the standard must be the same for everyone…Have you checked the report card regarding the champions for the black community? Check out urban schools and compare that to the predominantly white school…then tell me why the difference…our so called champions aren’t doing a good job BUT the champions for the whites are…it’s called you’re better off doing it on your own??? That's how White Supremacy gets it fire...
- Reginald Johnson · Top Commenter · Works at Full Time College StudentAscencion Gomez How exactly are non-white people "fueling" the system of White Supremacy? What, exactly, do you mean by that statement?
- Julian Harmon · Top Commenter · Servant at PurposeThe fact that they say that Christianity came from an Egyptian idea is the lack of education when Egypt and Ethiopia were early Christian countries, though many stories in the bible were created into movies to steal the true identity of the true Israelites and Egyptians, of which were black men and women, the truth is until they start moving into gentile countries(Greek) most of the bible of of African men and women. Christ was black as was Mary and Joseph, David, Solomon, etc even king James. Know for yourself.
- Antonio Ur Favorite Toro · Top Commenter · Works at Baptist Medical CenterIt's funny how they mention Christianity and Mary in a negative light while positioning their words to make both Mary and Christianity seem "WHITE". At the same time failing to mention that in Ethiopia Christians have existed for well 1,000 years! And the majority of people in the bible are black, seeing how a good deal of the bible takes place in Africa and the middle east. White people dont play an important role until Rome comes about trying to concur all in sight. You don't think they would white wash the most important Book and names in the world??? Come on people think and read.
- David Jonathan Cross · Works at Simpson, Morton & Cross, PLLCBuddha was not a God, and specifically told his followers to not consider him to be a God
- Reggie King · CvccWhite supremacy is not for all whites. To be considered u have to have billions of dollars. See this 1% with all the power and money will kill these average everyday white pple ass trying to get to me. If u don't have the money and power u can't have the I'm white supremacist attitude.
- Joe Magee · Follow · O'Fallon, IllinoisNo. White supremacy is a term brought about by the European race.
- Nzinga Zindua · Top Commenter · Detroit, MichiganThank you so much for this article. Much needed and most appreciated. Sharing. So much knowledge to get and so little time. Bless.
- Kirb Brimstone · Follow · Miami Gardens, FloridaJesus = Horus? Pffft. LOL Oh Internet scholarship how you make me laugh.
Buddha isn't a God. And literally all historian agree Jesus is a historical person.- Thomas Fisher · Top Commenter · Columbus, Ohio
- Kirb Brimstone · Follow · Miami Gardens, FloridaThomas Fisher Sorry that's just isn't true. It's quite the opposite. Can you name one historian that believes Jesus isn't a historical person?
- Marquis Jerrell Tate · Follow · Top Commenter · GHSAre people really arguing over the skin ton of gods that are myths? Sad Sad day.
- Roderick T Curd · Top Commenter · University of KentuckyActually I read that the painting of the black Madonna in fact is a woman African decent !!!!!!! residing in the catacombs of the Vactican City !!!!!!!!
- Lee Howard · Top Commenter · Playing and Having Fun! at RetiredThere is no Black, Caucasian or anything else. The Universe created each to fit the rays of the sun. Simple. All religions are fiction about what that group of people understood about the beginnings. The Mind is a awful thing if used wisely but it can be dangerous if use unwisely. Yes man started out of Africa to fill the land mass. He changed as he moved. All stories of the reality of man's beginning is only a fiction created by his mind.
- Anthony J. Mitchell · Follow · Top Commenter · Hendersonthey can white wash and use revisionist history, but they can not white wash their own DNA and it's history. http://
www.stewartsynopsis.com/ first_appearance_of_white_s kin_i.htm - Lee Howard · Top Commenter · Playing and Having Fun! at RetiredTabitha Elkins yes you are as much one with the Universe as anyone and all life came from the slime created by Atoms. No Adam. "Adam" was man's attempt to say he understood so he wrote a book of fairytales or thoughts of his past. Where your ancestor lived determine your complexion but you are right, it started out of Africa and man became lighter as sun's rays didn't impact his complexion. There never was a mother or father, there is only oneness and it has no sex. We humans seem not to want to acknowledge that we don't know so we create us a story that seems right. Male and female exist in every animal so was there an Eve who was a rat, fish, bird?
- Tabitha Elkins · Follow · Top Commenter · CEO & Founder at Worldwide Jazz ConspiracyLee Howard , it is a scientific fact that we are all descended from one woman. The Bible AND science agree on it. check out this link: http://
science.howstuffworks.com/ Note that the Bible is a spiritual book, NOT a book of science, BUT there are scientific truths in it. "Adam" is Hebrew for "earth", and means that we come from earth. Earth is brown. The Bible is not a fairy tale, BUT it is often allegorical, so that the natural-minded man cannot understand the spiritual truths in it. I'll pray for you, Lee, that YAH will reveal Himself to you so that you will see that, yes, we are all brothers and sisters on this earth. Peace! :-)life/evolution/ female-ancestor.htm
- John Jacksonne · Follow · London, United KingdomStop worriyng ABOUT what we are or not>>>>>>Just raise your densities of love & commpasion...Or you will be LEFT behind literally!
- SirRom Tekumseh · Santa Cruz, CaliforniaIncredible how far they will go to disprove Ancient Kemet roots! educate yourselves brother and sisters.
- Jw Kirkpatrick · Followwhy does everyone want to rule the world God is love and love is the opposite of the power this world feeds on why does it always have to be about race and revenge why can't we just hit respect for all this is what God would want. its not about race its about awareness. its about you can be racist or you can be cool but you can't be both.
- Jw Kirkpatrick · Followif anyone is otherworldly let them go home and people can get past all this nonsense.
in the end its all about money y'all all fighting over money. - All Shit Wickedwho gives a flyin fuck what color anything was everyone gotta be on this black and white bullshit ever think these gods were neither black nor white and maybe they were fuckin arabs? or hebrews or what ever as well as egyptions? no matter what color dat ass is you gon be a dead mutha fucka when ya lifes up and be nothing but bones when the bugs finish eatin ya ass
- Forest Brown · Follow · Top Commenter · Motor Transportation Operator (88M) at US Postal ServiceHe who Controls Language and Thought, can even make Paintings and Scupltures Lie.!!
- Sharlia Jones-Lebreton Gulley · Top Commenter · Customer Service Associate at Cross Cultural Centers CsulaThis disease that is racism is only further proof that we are a powerful people and they fear us because they do not understand the full extent of our majesty(neither do some of us) I mean you look at all of the innumerable accounts of attempt to erase us physically as well as erase or mutilate, steal etc our histories.. Whew, we MUST be something eternal and other wordly to still endure and still thrive despite all of the attacks on our spirits, bodies, minds... think about it..
- Charles Hill · Follow · Top Commenter · DeVry IrvingWhat must we have been like when we were rulers of the world. why has it been intrenched into their psyche to hate us and keep us down. Africa is a continent and there is very little if any manufacturing done there, while Japan is a Island and they made all types of goods. THINK.
- Ascencion Gomez · Follow · Top Commenter · Regent UniversityCharles Hill we were the same way they are...they are read out of the same play book...Heru/Horus(Before)
Thomas Inman affirms the Egyptian roots of the Christian trinity in his work, “Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism.”
Inman writes: “The Christian trinity is of Egyptian origin, and is as surely a pagan doctrine as the belief in heaven and hell, the existence of a devil, of archangels, angels, spirits and saints, martyrs and virgins, intercessors in heaven, gods and demigods, and other forms of faith which deface the greater part of modern religions.”
Egyptologist Erik Hornung noted in “The Secret Lore of Egypt: Its Impact on the West:” “There was an obvious analogy between the Horus [Heru] child and the baby Jesus and the care they received from their sacred mothers; long before Christianity, Isis [Aset] had borne the epithet ‘mother of the god.'”
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