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Friday, January 28, 2011


FROM http://eotm.wordpress.com/2010/12/15/frederick-jermaine-carter-hanging-in-mississippi-no-suicide-according-to-the-naacp/

Frederick Jermaine Carter hanging (Lynching) in Mississippi, NO Suicide according to the NAACP

Posted: December 15, 2010 by EOTM Press Room in Breaking News, EOTM News, EOTM Radio
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By: Carla Barnes
26 year old African American Frederick Jermaine Carter was found hanging in a Mississippi tree in a white suburb on Friday, December 3, 2010. The USA Today first reported it as a suicide, however, the NAACP just recently contests the findings, they feel it may actually be a lynching.

Fredrick Jermaine Carter
Carter, who lived in neighboring Sunflower County, was helping his stepfather paint a building Wednesday. The stepfather went to get tools and when he returned, Carter was nowhere to be found.
His body was later found and considering his history of  mental illness and no evidence supposedly of anything other than a suicide it was labeled accordingly. Results of an autopsy are still pending.
The FBI‘s Jackson field office is monitoring the situation. “The FBI has been advised of the situation in Leflore County,” spokeswoman Deborah Madden says in a statement. “We stand by to provide whatever assistance is necessary to ensure the integrity of the investigation.”
State Rep. Willie Perkins, a Democrat from Greenwood and president of the Leflore County branch of the NAACP, says that group also “will keep a high scrutiny and watch on any investigative report regarding what was the cause of death.”
“There are a lot of concerns there, No. 1 that this individual could not have (hanged) himself without the assistance of someone, if it’s being declared a suicide,” he says. “Why would someone from Sunflower County come to North Greenwood, the predominantly white housing area of Greenwood? Why would someone that far away come and hang themselves in North Greenwood by a river? That does not pass the smell test to me.”

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Another local elected official, state Sen. David Jordan, a Democrat, says the African-American community in Greenwood is “very much concerned.”
“This is in a white wealthy area, and black people just don’t go over there,” he says. “There’s not a single black that’s talked to us who believes that he hanged himself.”
Jordan, who is African-American, suggests there is a historical underpinning for blacks being suspicious about the specter of violence against them: Greenwood is about 12 miles from Money, Miss., site of one of the most infamous lynchings in U.S. history. In August 1955, Emmett Till, a 14-year-old Chicago boy visiting relatives for the summer, was abducted and killed after he allegedly made remarks to a white woman.
“We’re not drawing any conclusions,” Jordan says. “We’re skeptical, and rightfully we should be, given our history. We can’t take this lightly. We just have to wait and see.”

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  1. william says:
    Was there a suicide note? Did he show signs of giving away possessions or tidying up his affairs in the days or weeks preceding his death?
    If not, then the probability of suicide is diminished. There is commonly a gesture of some kind before suicide.
    Mental illness is not sufficient explanation for suicide. Churchill and many other famous names and high achievers suffer ongiong bouts of depression throughout life without actually taking their lives. And many psychotics are far more likely to kill others than themselves.
    No, this is fishy.
    • Jo Ann says:
      I have read these stories and it take me back to the time and places in the south where I grew up in Arkansas and Mississippi. I hated the fact that we as a people had for hundred of years had to suffer at the hand of the unjust whites and nothing then was been done justice about it and nothing now is being done as much. We know that these death are not suicides and the law knows it too.We also know that the the kkk groups are in the law enforcement agencies,courts rooms, on the judges benches and we are working and serving in their businesses and buying their merchandise and marrying their sons and daughters and befriending them as though they are our friends. Now don’t misunderstand me not all whites are against blacks or others none white and many of them have spoken up, fought for the rights of blacks, lost their lives and family for standing up against these white devil enforcers, but it is very clear that justice is so unjust when it comes to the color of our skin. How many white boys, men and women do any of us hear that have committed suicides in an all black community hanging from a tree? We the black people need to rise up and speak out because it’s time. Jesus Christ and the great men and women like Martin Luther King and Rosa Park and many other gave their lives so that we may have freedom both to live free spiritually and naturally and that all men will have freedom equally. Dr. King if he was here he would still be fighting just as hard, but when they killed him, they knew Jessie Jackson was going to go to sleep and the leaders for us in today’s times are weaker than ever before. They are being bought out with these nonprofit program government money and kkk deals around the white man’s tables. I am sick of us being in their welfare system, criminal systems, and their drug selling slave systems that’s killing our youth, holding our youth on the modern day prison plantations and hanging them on trees! enough is enough! we all should not let this rest until we know that, we know righteous justice have been done to all that work together and hung Frederick Jermaine Carter. Next it could be one of us or our love ones. Prevention start now.
  2. Solomon C. Osborne says:
    The list of young blacks found hanging in Mississippi, whose deaths have been hastily declared as suicides, seems to grow perpetually. In 2004, Roy Veal a black man who was fighting to keep whites from taking his family’s land in Wilkerson County was found hanging from a tree in Woodville, Mississippi. His death was ruled a suicide. In 2000, Raynard Johnson, a 17 year old black high school student, rumored to have been involved in an interracial dating relationship was found hanging from a tree in Kokomo, Mississippi. His death was ruled a suicide. Between 1987 and 1993, twenty two (22) black men were found hanging in Mississippi jails. All of their deaths were declared to be suicides. All of us are aware of the history of blacks being lynched in Mississippi. Between 1882 and 1968 there were 539 blacks lynched in Mississippi. Their murders were not solved because law enforcement officials made no effort to bring their murderers to justice. In many cases law enforcements were complicit in the murders. Finally, on September 18, 2010, a young Hispanic woman was found hanging from a tree near Philadelphia, Mississippi. Her death was declared a suicide. All of these death by hanging involving blacks and non-white should surely caused rational thinking people to ask questions. Insisting on a thorough and comprehensive investigation is the least any rational thinking person should do. The investigation of the recent hanging in Leflore County seems to be a rush to judgment, and the investigation seemed to be concerned with something other than uncovering the truth.
    Solomon C. Osborne
  3. kwame says:
    thanks posting. i have reposted solomon’s comment with a link to your blog. kzs
  4. BREZZY says:
    I’m sure we all know racism still exist but the Leflore County Lynching is over the top. It has to be a lynching for so many reasons:
    Frederick was mentally challenged so my first concern is whether or not he had the mental capacity to kill himself. Why would he go to a predominant white town to do this? How did he get there?
    It is too close to where previous lnychings were.
    It is so sad to know that there is so much hatred towards non whites for no other reason then their skin color and cultural beliefs. Who is to say that someone deserves to live over another group of people. So much frustration and dissapointment is boiling inside of me right now. I need to turn this negative energy into something positive. Any one have any ideas?
    I would like to coordinate a walk in the town of North Greenwood. Lets force this bubble of hatred to come to its head.
    Its funny to hear people say ” Non whites need to get over racism because it was a thing of the past and people need to stop dwelling on it.
    Hopefully they see now that it still exist in its purest form so there is no way we can let go of the past.
    The younger generations need to quit focusing on materlistic things and sexulaity and get back in the fight. We are such a moving force when we fight for our rights or put our mind to accomplishing something. Our Civil Rights Movement leaders want us to be so more far ahead then we are and they are turning over in their graves to know that our freedoms are not concerns of ous. If we don’t care the people full of hate will definitely not care.
    Wake up people.
    I will do my part and tell everyone I know this story so we spread the word.
    • Jo Ann says:
      Solomon, I agree with you it’s time our people stop compromising and get busy doing our part in our cities, towns, communities and states to make sure our future generation will value their freedom and continue to work to keep it. Martin Luther King encourage us to rise up and take a stand for those things that was right and should be justice for all no matter what color your skin.We only have the subject of black history taught,honored and celebrated once a year in the schools of course we too can teach our children to value the history made by blacks but I believe black history should be taught daily and made an all school season subject because it would help remain us all where we came from and how we must maintain our freedom. The freedom we have today no the hip hop didn’t paste the path for freedom, no the rap music didn’t rap the slaves cross the lands, railroad tracts and rivers to find freedom,our freedom today was paid by much suffering and much blood battles.We must remember not one law written and enforced was to be justice that a black person should or would receive the law was not written for us but it was written against us. But the great blacks and some whites helped and fought for justice to be equal for all people. And still in the law system for people of color it is still an unjust system. Only we can change and make a different and keep in memory those who have past the torch down to us that we make keep running a race that represent how much we value and thank those who make it possible for us to have better jobs, education, housing and some to the best and finer things life have to offer in these days and time.
  5. Dianna says:
    my heart goes out to this young man’s family. this is just disgusting beyond words!!!!
  6. DEllis81 says:
    Typical cowards. The white man always mess with small black men. Emmit Till, now Frederick Jermaine Carter. COWARDS!!! Why the white men are afraid to harass the big black men. I know why: we don’t play that crazy mess.
  7. Tiff says:
    This is very horrible; this man did not have to die at all. Racism is still strong and Mississippi and this needs to change. Many black people have been found hanging from trees there and nothing has been done. How can a person take a person life because of the color of their skin? I wish that this would stop and the people who are killing their will be held responsible for what they have done. Black people also need to stop killing one another and being so hateful towards their own race. Please just love one another. The crime needs to stop now. Shame on Mississippi.
  8. We will be having a show on the subject January 9th at 8pm PST – 11pm EST, you all are welcomed to call in and share your opinions. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/entrepreneursonthemove/2011/01/10/frederick-jermaine-carter-hanginglynchingin-mississippino-suicide-according-to-the-naacp
    The studio line is 718-664-6543 or call in via skype at “eotmradio”
  9. Tragically ~ it’s all too likely that this was another lynching… the evil of racism is too deep among some in the US South that it’s not yet really gone away. And even all over our nation, there are people who continue to act out irrationally because we now have a biracial president. We “whites” have a LOT of work to do to help this country of ours get real about racism.
    It will be interesting to see how Governor Haley Barbour, who just got hisself in a pile o’ trouble for exploiting the two sisters he’s got in prison there (for what might be yet another grievous example of too much punishment that doesn’t fit the crime)… interesting to see how he reacts to this appalling event in his state. We will be watching.
    • Margaret Gonzalez says:
      Well of course it HAS to be a suicide! after all, Haley~ our Governor, has Presidential aspirations for 2012 and he just went on record saying it was SO bad here in Mississippi in the 50s and 60s!
  10. chris lee says:
    It’s very plausible that this is homicide but to follow it up with the leap that it is of anything more than an isolated horrific incident is absurd. To put it in crude statistical terms, TODAY’S young black males are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of other black males than some boogeyman Klan rebirth.
  11. Reminder for anyone that wants to chime in we are airing a show on the topic at 11pm EST on http://www.eotmradio.com – call in at 718-664-6543
  12. kelly gancarz says:
    this definately dont sound like a suicide to me. from lookin at the pics or have nothin surrounding him to help him get to the tree to tie himself up n the let himself fall its impossible he acted alone but more than likely itll be a cover up as we had one here in the berkshires bout ten yrs ago where a i cop shot n killed a 16 yr ol black kid cuz he ran n the cop thought he was amed n the cop got awat wh t n still works on the force today. do i belive he should have been charged for a wrgful death absolutely. this poor kid had someone do this to him n honestly if it was a hangin n he died from tha where does the inestagation go then back to suicide I HOPE N PRAY THEY FIND JUSTICE FOR THIS YOUNG MAN N HIS FAMILY OUTSIDE THE COUNTY FOR JUSTICE IF THEY FIND TH ASSILANT!!!!!!!
  13. Stacy Cade says:
    These type of incidents are directly associated to the media, not only by what is being said but also by what is not being said by the media. Two examples that immediately come to mind are;
    1. The resent shooting of twenty people in Arizona, and
    2. Dr. Gobles treatment of the Jews in WWII
    If this garbage continues there will be many deaths other than that of Blacks. And these deaths can easily be avoided if only the media would show some journalistic responsibility.
    I am personally asking all of the evil Whites to stop killing and mistreating Blacks and for all of the good and righteous Whites to insist that the evil Whites discontinue their horrible acts of cowardliness, they dishonor themselves.
  14. This should be looked into and not forgotten. It doesn’t seem like, he came to work and decided to kill himself.. In this day and age, if you are not whie, watch out.
  15. Gia says:
    Why wasn’t this on the news nationally?
    • DivaMama says:
      Gia, I agree. This was not heard of in Texas, as far as I know, but this should have been on every network. This is suspect and does not make sense,there is a need for an additional investigation. Who will speak for those who have suffered a GREAT and HORRIBLE injustice?

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