
Thursday, August 05, 2010





By: Pamalick Secka::

Many Africans who claim the ability and capability of curing the AIDS virus through local African herbs are being put under pressure to abandon such claims. However, there is a genuine herbal cure of the virus that can not be suppressed or silenced. The president of the republic of The Gambia, Dr Alhaji Yahya Jammeh, is outstanding in his ability to treat and cure patients with HIV/AIDS virus. Though this discovery is yet to receive acceptance by the Western nations, the evidence on ground attests to the efficacy of his cure. The scientific analysis at the National Institute for hygiene, ministry of health, Rabat Morocco and a laboratory in Dakar, Senegal have confirmed the breakthrough. Before the scientific verification and confirmation, hundreds of patients were already smiling home after Jammeh’s successful treatment sessions. The commencement of the treatment session, through the completion are shown on the Gambia National Television to give credence to the herbal AIDS treatment.
The West are said to disagree with his ability to cure the AIDS Virus probably because of their huge investment in search for the cure and or the benefits they derive from the HIV/AIDS Campaign Funds globally. Despite the feelings harboured by the West, President Jammeh is not deterred in his mission to assist humanity through his cure. The treatment sessions involve herbal treatment and therapy guided by the observance of a set of prescribed rules for the patients undergoing the treatment. Besides, those participating in the treatment are also advised to stop taking the anti-viral medication to enable the herbal treatments to have full effect.
President Jammeh’s herbal healing gifts are not limited to the HIV/AIDS but also includes other ailments as asthma and diabetes. In addition to the pressure of his office, the President still allocates and makes out time to conduct treatments. Dr. Tamsir Mbowe, a western trained medical doctor from Gambia is thrilled at the accomplishments/performances of President Jammah. Presently, he is the Director of President Jammeh’s HIV/AIDS Treatment and Health Services.
There is need to disregard the negative publicity this herbal healing had generated and give it the support and encouragement in the efforts to tackle the menace of the disease in the African continent.
President Jammeh used the occasion of the discharge of a batch of fully treated patients of the HIV virus to inform the world that his healing powers was no longer a myth but a reality. He asked the detractors to look at the patients who they had seen on the national TV when they were admitted at the centre under horrible and pitiable conditions and see that they have fully regained their health. He said that some concerned citizens and friends called and advised him in the interest of his health and welfare, to abandon those patients to the medicals and paramedics alone. He responded that he had no cause to dread a disease that he cures. What’s more, he would stake the life God gave him in the service of humanity, of which healing the HIA/AIDS’ patients was a pointer.
He also used the occasion to clear the air on the controversy surrounding the disengagement of the Cuban medical expatriates from Gambia. He firstly, praised the Cuban team for their kind assistance in the health sector. He said that today, Gambia''s profile in the medical service sector is among the best in the world which is to the credit and thanks to the generosity of the Cuban government and people. He said that Gambia had a good cooperation and working relationship with the Cubans but when the first CD4 counts results were announced, it generated a lot of controversy. Since Cubans were involved and the Cuban government already had its hands full with confrontations from the world powers, we thought it wise, not to add to their existing problem(s). We reached a compromise and the disengagement was done amicably. He went further to assure that it had nothing to do with competence, efficiency or trust; the simple reason being not to overblown the issue. This was the only reason behind the discontinuance of the services of the Cubans.
President Jammeh reiterated that he does not do it to win cheap popularity or gain wealth but to use his gift to save lives and serve Allah and humanity.
The questions we should ask ourselves are, why does the issue of cure of HIV/AIDS generate such controversy unlike other diseases like malaria and asthma that have ravaged the world? Why has the disease been associated with the black race and target ed towards the Africa? What are the basis of stigmatizing a particular group? Even the statistics published on the disease assign that region of the world with inflated figures and percentages. If the international bodies-WHO, UN- AIDS, etc could accept those figures, nothing should prevent them from accepting the results of the herbal Aids treatment that have been confirmed in scientific laboratories, if their concern for the disease and its eradication is genuine.
If the West have genuine intention to eradicate HIV/Aids, they would have sought for Jammeh’s cooperation to develop and make the treatment available for humanity.
President have been the subject of negative western press. But he is not deterred in his endeavour to assist humanity. Their negative publicity had rather spurred President Jammeh on to grater heights. Their news are shrouded in insincerity and hypocrisy.
Dr Malick Njie, Mariatou Jallow and Dr Mbowe were here when the Cubans worked on the project and could attest to the batches of treated and discharged patients. However, the West said my advice that the patients discontinue the ARV to benefit from the herbal treatment was suicidal. I kept the patients days longer after treatment to further show the survival rate of those treated. Patients who were carried to the centre were able to do things unaided in a short space of time. Even those who were at the advanced stage of the disease have been successfully treated-Fatou Jatta and Darboe, fall in this category and have remained thankful to Dr. Malick Njie who assisted in and out of bed at the onset of the treatment exercise.
President Jammeh also thanked the patients who agreed to appear on TV to confound the detractors. He said it complemented his policy on “transparency, accountability and probity”. It further goes to affirm that in The Gambia, Aids is no longer the incurable disease that it used to be.
Finally the President offered counseling to the patients to avoid further contraction of the disease so as not to blame ignorance twice. ‘…The entry point of re-infection is still open, he emphasized and it is your responsibility to close that entry point. He emphasized that his treatment is thus no guarantee/security against re-infection.
Jammeh thanked the Doctors and nurses who have been working with him, the patients and members of their families. He asked Allah to guide and protect the patients who were now free of the virus and were discharged.

Unstable Frontiers: Technomedicine And the Cultural Politics of "Curing" AIDS
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I wish u could come to Botswana.

 Commented by: BENAH O. MMEDI on: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 12:00

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