
Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Breasts oooo!-BLACK WOMENS BREASTS ooo!-MENELIK Charles comments on Facebook

Women's breasts and the male imagination...

Many women assume they know exactly what passes through the male mind when they gaze upon the female bosom. They do not! So they continue to prop up, and push out, their 'weapons of mass distraction' little knowing what really lies beneath men's mammary fixation.

The truth is that in the male imagination, women's breasts are symbolically poured into their bras, tops and dresses just as is milk poured into various sized jugs. And what, may I ask, is an affectionate pet-name for female breasts?

'Jugs', right?

So in the male sub-conscious mind, female breasts represent jugs from which they hope to extract milk and return once again to the Eden of infancy in which mother's milk was given on demand.

Women often cruelly equate male sexuality with canine sexuality. Again...they are wrong. Dogs are driven by their dicks while men are driven by their imaginations from which their fascinations, fixations and fantasies have their home. What men do share in common with dogs, however, is a sexual fixation with female butts and doing it 'doggy style'. And that's where the similarity begins and ends!

Now if you'll excuse me...I'm off to knock back some 'milk' from a pair of very large chocolate 'jugs' ;)

(c) Menelik Charles.

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