
Sunday, July 30, 2017

RAPING oooo!-RAPING BLACK WOMEN DOING SLAVERY oooo!-from Shower Derrick on Facebook

Shower Derrick posted this on Facebook oooo!
The following is a story that took place on August 12, 1742 in the state of Mississippi. It is a Friday night, and a hosting slave master is entertaining a few fellow slave owners from the neighboring plantations. As they continued to drink and share slave stories, the hosting slave master begins to brag about a particular "negress" who was his favorite when he desired sex. His three male guests grew intrigued and they all asked to see her, and to perhaps have a turn at her. The hosting slave master agreed and escorted his three guests out to the field in the rear of the mansion were his favorite female slave lived.
When they arrived at the shack they kicked in her door and entered. They found the female slave that they were looking for. She lived in the one room shack with her husband and two daughters. When the men entered the shack they found her in bed with her husband and their two little girls laying upon separate bed which they shared. The four White men, the master and his three male guests, ordered the husband to go outside. The enslaved husband -- conditioned by years of horrific torture by his master – complied without even taking a moment to get dressed. He immediately went outside naked. As he sat outside naked upon the cold grass moistened by the night's dew, he listened as the four White men repeatedly raped and sodomized his wife as their fearful daughters tearfully looked on screaming. The husband tried to block out the sounds of his wife's screams by placing his hands over his ears, but to no avail. The session seems to have gone on for several hours. As the temperature outside drop the husband started to become cold and shriver. But the discomfort he felt from the cold damp morning dew paled in comparison to the pain he felt in his heart as he listened to his wife and daughters screaming as the four white took turns with his wife. When the four men had finished raping his wife, they marched out of the doorway laughing and drunk telling the husband (as they walked over him near the door entrance) that he was a certainly a lucky Nigger to have such a wife. He was forced to smile and agree nodding his head. He returned inside his home feeling totally emasculated while smelling the stench of the drunken sex and finding his wife and children in tears. The husband would relive this incident over and over again in his head especially as he eventually watched his wife's belly swell larger each month wondering was the baby his or one of the four white enslavers. Throughout this painful ordeal the slave master would remind the enslaved husband that he should be appreciative to his master for allowing him to continue living with his wife, and that his master hadn't returned for their daughters yet. A family of slaves had no rights to remain together or to keep their offspring, and the master enjoyed full discretion to have sex with any slave to his liking – male, female, or child. Marriage and family arrangements among the slaves were entirely at the discretion of their masters. The White masters raped any slave that they desired male or female and even committed the acts of incest with their own mulatto children born of their Black slaves.
It is no secret that the caucasians have treated Black people brutally savagely throughout history. The caucasian's subjugation, murder and exploitation of Black people throughout history are unparalleled. Against Black people caucasians have committed crimes against humanity. Yet in spite of this brutal history many Black people are now extremely enamored by caucasians. So much in fact that some Black people even bleaches their skins and activity seeks out only white spouses.
Many have asked the question of how is it possible that so many Black people are so enamored by white people in spite of such a brutal history to the contrary?
What explains such a profound contradiction?

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