
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Here are the 10 commandments from Dave Johnson from
This is for the general election for write in states,
AL, IA, NH, NJ, OR, PA, RI, VT, WA, WY and we are working on California.
If you would like to become an elector for CA write in, please contact Tricia Mo'orea ASAP for proper instructions as this must be done correctly at Justice for Bernie fb address
1. Darken the oval next to the Write-In/presidential line.
2: Write: Bernard Sanders.
3. Darken the oval next to the Write-In/vice presidential line.
4. Write: Tulsi Gabbard.
5. Do NOT write in all caps. Do NOT write in cursive. Simply print clearly & legibly in all block letters and capitalize only the first letter to each name.
6. Do NOT include nicknames or honorary titles. He is: Bernard Sanders. She is: Tulsi Gabbard. He is NOT "Bernie" (I know, his common nickname -- btw, he has no middle name); he is NOT Senator Sanders. He is Bernard Sanders; she is Tulsi Gabbard.
7. Do NOT scribble in any extraneous information or make any written reference to the Democratic Socialist Party.
(For all you trivia buffs, this campaign is informally sponsored by the Democratic Socialist Party and, technically, Bernie & Tulsi are being run as Independent candidates. Trust me, none of the election officials care.)
8. Do NOT sign your ballot anywhere, unless specifically directed to do so.
9. Do NOT draw attention to yourself or shout out, "I need a Write-In ballot." You vote via the same ballot as everyone else.
10. Double-check all that you have written. Then, prudently make your down-ballot choices. Change the course of history, everyday people like you & me.
YOU HAVE done your good deed for the day -- and likely a lifetime. WRITE-IN, Right On. UNIFORMITY IS THE KEY. KEEP IT ALL THE SAME, ACROSS THE BROAD SPECTRUM OF STATES.****

Sent from my iPad

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