
Wednesday, May 31, 2017



Reader Wants to Stop Bleaching – Needs Your Advice Urgently

I need your advice..I want to stop bleaching.
I’m 22, been beaching for the past 2 years now. If you see me, you wouldn’t know I bleach, you will think I’m naturally fair. I use a very expensive cream my cousin in Paris sends it for me. It’s very good – no hydroquinin, no mercury. I dont have dark knuckle from head to toe am flawless. I shine. If I get uncladd, even my friends admire me.

I have been asked a number of time by strangers about the kind of cream I use. But not everyone can afford it. Thé reason I bleach is because I admiréd my cousin’s skin and she introduced me to what I use now.
However, I am tired because my skin is getting thin and I am scared of thé future. Secondly, my dad has been complaining that he doesn’t know why I want to be fair. Yesterday he took me out and showed me à woman in her 50’s that has been bleaching for a very long time.
She looked like à ghost I swear. I was so scared. He said that was what long time bleaching causes to thé skin. He said I was never black I should please go back to my natural colour.
Please guys, I need to know if there is à good cream I can use to return to my chocolaté colour. I browsed online and the only one which seems ok was the cocoa butter cream and aloe vera and I want my chocolate colour to be flawless.
Again, is it true that people who bleached before get darker than before when they stop? Please I need honest advice. Thank you.

One Response

  1. comfort godwin

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