
Sunday, January 27, 2013

BLACK REPARATIONS- Brother John Cochran WANTED to Fight For it!

Johnny Cochran and Reparations

Posted by Reunionblackfamily. on October 4, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Not many people know that after the O.J. Simpson case, Johnnie Cochran spent much of his time preparing for a case, collecting historical data, information, and studying cases to sue the U.S. government for Reparations for Africans in America.

"Johnnie Cochran, the famed O.J. Simpson attorney, has said on national television that he is now going to focus on his Reparations For Slavery lawsuit against the United States of America.Johnnie Cochran has assembled a ' Reparations Dream Team' of high powered trial lawyers to help him in this lawsuit, and liberal federal judges have already cost taxpayers in cities like Kansas City, Missouri and Yonkers, New York of billions of dollars to pay for their nonsensical rulings. A liberal federal judge could cost us taxpayers trillions of dollars more if Johnnie Cochran wins his Reparations lawsuit"

"Lawyers planning suit for African-American slave reparations (11/04/00)**

(Associated Press) — "A powerful group of civil rights and class-action lawyers who have won billions of dollars in court is preparing a lawsuit seeking reparations for American blacks descended from slaves.

"The project, called the Reparations Assessment Group, was confirmed by Harvard law professor Charles J. Ogletree and appears to be the most serious effort yet to get American blacks compensated for 244 years of legalized slavery. Lawsuits and legislation dating back to the mid-1800s have gone nowhere.

"We will be seeking more than just monetary compensation,'' Ogletree said. "We want a change in America. We want full recognition and a remedy of how slavery stigmatized, raped, murdered and exploited millions of Africans through no fault of their own.''

"Ogletree said the group, which includes famed attorney Johnnie Cochran, first met in July and will hold its fourth meeting in Washington D.C. later this month. "This country has never dealt with slavery. It is America's nightmare. A political solution would be the most sensible but I don't have a lot of faith that's going to happen. So we need to look aggressively at the legal alternative,'' Ogletree said.

Harvard's ultra-liberal Charles Ogletree indicated that the group's lawsuit will be directed against the federal government, state governments, corporations, and other institutions that allegedly have benefited from slave labor.

"Ogletree said the Reparation Assessment Group includes attorneys [Johnnie] Cochran and Alexander J. Pires Jr., who won a $1 billion settlement for black farmers who claimed discrimination by the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Richard Scruggs, who won the $368.5 billion settlement for states against tobacco companies; Dennis C. Sweet III, who won a $400 million settlement in the "phen-fen'' diet drug case; and Willie E. Gary, who won a $500 million judgment against the Loewen Group Inc., the world's largest funeral home operators.

"Also in the group is Randall Robinson, president of the TransAfrica Forum, a think tank specializing in African, Caribbean and African-American issues. Robinson recently wrote the book "The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks,'' which argues for reparations."

Supporters of the reparations boondoggle cite recent, largely irrelevant, noncomparable cases where groups have been compensated in cash for discrimination by governments. For example, the Reparations Support Group cites the $20,000 award granted by the U.S. to the Japanese-Americans who were interred in concentration camps in the U.S. during World War II. Reparations advocates fail to acknowledge that the Japanese-Americans who received the $20,000 award were direct "still living" victims of the government's discrimination. This is not the case in the proposed "slavery reparations" debacle. Many generations -- and trillions of dollars in welfare payments and minority set-asides and racial preferences in the U.S. -- have already been awarded to "blacks" in this country.

Many citizens and politicians also argue that it isn't fair for taxpayers and corporations who never owned slaves to be burdened with possible multibillion dollar settlements. (AP, via FoxNews, based on the Associated Press story 11/04/00 by Paul Shepherd.
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