
Monday, April 23, 2012

Gabourey Sidibe-OUR BLACK SKINNED BEAUTY Sent Packing By Squirrels!!

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Subject: Gabourey Sidibe-OUR BLACK SKINNED BEAUTY Sent Packing By Squirrels!!

Gabourey Sidibe - Gabourey Sidibe Sent Packing By Squatter Squirrels

23 April 2012 01:46

Picture: Gabourey Sidibe 5th Annual Women In Film Pre-Oscar Cocktail Party held At Cecconi's Restaurant West Hollywood, California ....

Gabourey Sidibe Sent Packing By Squatter Squirrels

Squirrels have chased Precious star Gabourey Sidibe out of her apartment.

The actress left a window open "a crack" in her New York apartment when she left to spend the Christmas holidays in San Diego, California and she returned to discover the place had become a doss-house for vermin.

She explains, "I left for three weeks... and I come back and it's, like, nine o'clock at night and I walk in to my apartment and it just feels, like, weird and sorta eerie, and I go into my bedroom and I find that squirrels have moved in and they brought in branches... They brought in sticks, they brought in cotton and this cereal box.

"(Apparently) when they find a place they like to eat they return every day to eat there. It's like the new restaurant... I think they were eating there and they started nesting.

"Thank God they weren't there when I got home because I would have freaked out... I panicked and I started calling every boy I know and, like, screaming on the phone, 'You have to get over here...' I didn't want them (squirrels) to return.

"I called my cousin Sean, who is dope... He came all the way from Brooklyn to help me just clean up the sticks... He's college-educated, he's, like, seven-foot tall... and he comes over... and he takes his socks and pulls them over his pants, so that squirrels won't run up his pants."

The actress and her cousin cleaned the place up and then went to bed, only to be woken early the next morning by an angry, homeless squirrel.

She adds, "He's banging on the window... I just start freaking out and throwing things at the window, going, 'Go away squirrel, you're not welcome here'. It literally chilled there all day waiting for me to open the window... I moved the hell out of there... Now I live on the 11th floor. I'm good."

Sibide showed off the extent of the mess her unwelcome visitors left behind during an appearance on late night U.S. show Jimmy Kimmel Live! by presenting the host with photos of the squirrel hell.

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