
Monday, April 23, 2012

Fw: MALCOLM X PBS Documentary video

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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 06:03:25
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Subject: MALCOLM X PBS Documentary video

Gabourey Sidibe-OUR BLACK SKINNED BEAUTY Sent Packing By Squirrels!!

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-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 20:34:25
To: Wordpress e-m<>
Subject: Gabourey Sidibe-OUR BLACK SKINNED BEAUTY Sent Packing By Squirrels!!

Gabourey Sidibe - Gabourey Sidibe Sent Packing By Squatter Squirrels

23 April 2012 01:46

Picture: Gabourey Sidibe 5th Annual Women In Film Pre-Oscar Cocktail Party held At Cecconi's Restaurant West Hollywood, California ....

Gabourey Sidibe Sent Packing By Squatter Squirrels

Squirrels have chased Precious star Gabourey Sidibe out of her apartment.

The actress left a window open "a crack" in her New York apartment when she left to spend the Christmas holidays in San Diego, California and she returned to discover the place had become a doss-house for vermin.

She explains, "I left for three weeks... and I come back and it's, like, nine o'clock at night and I walk in to my apartment and it just feels, like, weird and sorta eerie, and I go into my bedroom and I find that squirrels have moved in and they brought in branches... They brought in sticks, they brought in cotton and this cereal box.

"(Apparently) when they find a place they like to eat they return every day to eat there. It's like the new restaurant... I think they were eating there and they started nesting.

"Thank God they weren't there when I got home because I would have freaked out... I panicked and I started calling every boy I know and, like, screaming on the phone, 'You have to get over here...' I didn't want them (squirrels) to return.

"I called my cousin Sean, who is dope... He came all the way from Brooklyn to help me just clean up the sticks... He's college-educated, he's, like, seven-foot tall... and he comes over... and he takes his socks and pulls them over his pants, so that squirrels won't run up his pants."

The actress and her cousin cleaned the place up and then went to bed, only to be woken early the next morning by an angry, homeless squirrel.

She adds, "He's banging on the window... I just start freaking out and throwing things at the window, going, 'Go away squirrel, you're not welcome here'. It literally chilled there all day waiting for me to open the window... I moved the hell out of there... Now I live on the 11th floor. I'm good."

Sibide showed off the extent of the mess her unwelcome visitors left behind during an appearance on late night U.S. show Jimmy Kimmel Live! by presenting the host with photos of the squirrel hell.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Video Link for Gabourey Sidibe 's Interview with Young filmmakers in Houston!

DIFF Video: Dallas Shining Star Award Recipient Gabourey Sidibe

Posted on April 21, 2012 by Mike Daniel

Words can't accurately depict how vibrant a presence Dallas Shining Star Award honoree Gabourey Sidibe is in person. But this DIFF Video interview with the star of PRECIOUS: BASED ON THE NOVEL 'PUSH' BY SAPPHIRE definitely gives you a better idea.

She was kind and thoughtful as she talked about her sudden rise to stardom, how the student filmmakers at last night's DFS Honors ceremony inspire her, and how her studies in psychology inform her acting.

Thanks, Gabby!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I eat Chocolate and I exercise for 2hrs -Fayose

ShareDefinition of style.
STYLE is a particular way that something is done and when we talk of style in terms of fashion, it means a particular design that suits you, that fits you and something that you decide to do in a  particular way that then becomes your style and which other people may decide to copy.

Dress sense.
When we talk about dressing, I think it comes from within, when you are happy, whatever you put on will look  so elegant as if it is more than it is  actually worth.  Once I am happy, even if I am putting on something that is not more than two hundred naira, as long as I am happy with it, it is okay, I will be happy putting it on. So my mood determines what I wear. Beauty is from within once you are happy, whatever you put on will look nice on you but if you are not happy, no matter how expensive what you are wearing is, it will look hagard on you. So I think your mood determines how you will look when you put on anything.

Beauty regimen.
I don't have a special beauty regimen other than to have my bath once or twice a day depending on the weather. I use Elizabeth Arden's Visible Difference. I have been using that cream on my body for twenty-three years and I use Dr Miracle for my hair. I use Neutrogena bodywash and cleanser and Ghana-soa.  I maintain my skin by drinking lots of water, I don't do facials and that is because when you drink plenty of water, it  will flush out all the toxics in your body and makes your skin look shinning.
Favourite designer.  I must be sincere with you, I do not have any. I'm not a designer-freak. If I see anything I like, I go for it not minding who the designer is.

Favourite perfume.I love perfumes, I use  Tresor, Gucci, Flower Bomb, Mariah Carey, Samsara, just to mention a few. I use any perfume as long as the smell is fantastic.Favourite colours.
I love loud colours because  I don't wear jewellery so I don't like  to wear any colour that will hide me, so to speak. I love red combined with black, I love any shade of blue and yellow.
On make- up.
That is my signature, everybody has one. If I use make-up, nobody will be able to recognise me because they are used to seeing me without it . I stopped using it 15 years ago  based on personal conviction and I can't go back to them again. I  am not condemning those who use it but I won't. I love it that way. As a first lady, some people tried to persuade me to use make-up but I said no, don't even go there.

Choice of accessories.
I love watches, leather watches, Gucci watch,  Fendi, lots of them as long as they are  good and nice. Shoes and bags are my weak point. I buy them alot. In fact, there was a time that I had to pray that  God should assist me in that area, that I should stop buying them. I will say it was answered and not answered. I love them so I still buy them.
Most expensive item in my wardrobe.
I am weak when it comes to clothes and so they are likely to be  the most expensive items in my wardrobe.
Fashion item I can't do without.
What I won't be caught dead wearing.
Three quarter dresses because I am tall. It is either I wear something that is either a little below my knee or long.
Opinion on toning.
To me, toning, bleaching, anything that lightens your skin that changes your God-given colour is not good. Try to maintain what your creator has given you. If death comes and you stand before your creator, will he recognise you when you have changed your colour from black to white? I don't like thatso just maintain your skin.
Opinion on cosmetic surgery.
Well, if it is due to medical reason, I don't have an objection but anything that is not done for medical reason or because that thing is threatening your life, I don't like it and I can't do it. I am not condemning those who do it but personally, I can't go for such surgical operation.
My take on provocative dressing.
Dresses are meant to cover your nakedness. When you wear something  that is provocative, you are vulnerable to attacks such as rape because people who look at you are human beings who have blood and water running through their veins. In my opinion, it is not good to dress provocatively, the Bible too condemns it. It is good to wear something that ministers grace to you and those around you.
Diet and exercise. I exercise for two hours every morning and I watch what I eat, that is the only way one can keep one's body together. Secret of beauty.
God. If you have the peace of God, no matter what you are going through you will always be at peace with yourself and I am  grateful to God.
Special treat.
I eat chocolate. I also relax by reading Christian magazines, listening to music and watching home videos , however, I don't watch just any film, I watch only does that have good messages to pass across.
Hairs and dose nails.
I don't wear long nails so I just do my normal manicure at home, for my hair, I love braids because it last longer even though when you loosen it, you lose some strands of hair but I still prefer it.
Advice to women on how to stay young and beautiful.
Maintain your skin, don't use anything on your skin that may cause skin cancer later on. Eat good food and exercise your body regularly.