
Sunday, September 17, 2017

LYNCHING oooo!-Black People ooo!-Pregnant MARY TURNER was lynched long side her husband in 1918!-From Raphael Anthony on Facebook

From Raphael Anthony on Facebook
Mary Turner 1918 Eight Months Pregnant Mobs lynched Mary Turner on May 17, 1918 in Lowndes County. Georgia because she vowed to have those responsible for killing her husband arrested. Her husband was arrested in connection with the shooting and killing Hampton Smith, a white farmer for whom the couple had worked, and wounding his wife. Sidney Johnson. a Black, apparently killed Smith because he was tired of the farmer's abuse. Unable to find Johnson. the killers lynched eight other Blacks Including Hayes Turner and his wife Mary. The mob hanged Mary by her feet, poured gasoline and oil on her and set fire to her body. One white man sliced her open and Mrs. Turner's baby tumbled to the ground with a "little cry" and the mob stomped the baby to death and sprayed bullets into Mary Turner. (NAACP: Thirty Years of Lynching in the U.S. 1889-1918 ). . . .

Friday, September 15, 2017


Black women really are...

An architectural triumph, aren't they? I mean, whether slim, medium or large, they consistently declare themselves the very model of what women of all races ought to look like...but don't.

Every time I do a status on Black women's aesthetic, sensuality or their physical form, I run the risk of sounding like a scratched record...well,
so shall it be.

If the mainstream media will not speak of their hallowed status then I sure-
as-hell will! There is much about Black women's attitude which is often quite repugnant...I get that.

But only a liar, a fool or a blind man would deny them (and all Black women) their true status as the world's most astonishingly beautiful women.

So yeah...the record maybe scratched
but I'll keep right on playing it!

(c) Menelik Charles.

Photography: Jafar M. Pierre
— with Akiko-Ayalla Cotton Cooks, Makeda Voletta, Shannon Shandingo White and 36 others.

Friday, September 08, 2017


Please look away now...
If you’re not a man with a passion for dark-skinned Black women then you’ll probably never fully appreciate how scintillatingly sexy these women in the picture are!
People are entitled to ‘their opinions’, I guess. But when those ‘opinions’ have been corrupted by colorism, and poisoned by prejudice, then they are not opinions at all but perceptions distorted and infected by white supremacist, psycho-social, conditioning.
So if you’re here too politely ‘like’ this status...while privately retaining a bias towards the pale and the beige skin tones...then may I suggest you go some place else to register your ‘like’?
You see, colorism cannot be successfully disguised by a ‘like’ any more than my appreciation for the gorgeous light-skinned model, Cocaine Lorraine, can disguise my overall preference for chocolate-skinned women like Kelly Rowland.
It is my contention, therefore, that attractive dark-skinned Black women have a grace and beauty, sensuality and sweetness, unequalled among women of other races! Indeed, and as I’ve written elsewhere, these sisters are so sweet that I imagine they shit sugar, and piss orange juice!
(c) Menelik Charles.